On FOX, as always,
they are bitchin' about Obama, but in different ways, now. Half the time say that he hasn't done enough, to fix things in the gulf, then, their 'jounalists' complain that he has overstepped his authority, by forcing a business to pay too much, cuz that's not the 'American way'. In fact Rep Barton, R-TX, apologized to BP, for 'bullying' by the administration, that put $20 billion into an account for victims. No shit. No way these jerks will turn this bone loose, no matter how illogical it shows they are. So typical, as the 'drill baby drill' network/party, tries to cast Obama as the bad guy, for trying to fix the problems he inherited.. Anything new here? Not for this 'Anti-Obama-ALL the time' network. At least they are consistent.