Who's the worst,

in this story of religious fanatics? The FL preacher who burned a Koran last week, (pretty much ignored by US media), OR, the Muslims in Kabul, who killed, and beheaded a bunch of U.N. workers when they heard about it, today? Just what we need in the world these days... More religious fanatics, and the trouble they cause.


ladyj said…
Considering that God is Love, I would say neither, however, the Koran is not the Word of God, therefore, would not constitute comitting a wrongful act or a sin against God, only the Muslim religion or Islam. And Mohamad was a human not God and should not be worshipped. God is not human, but the Word made manifest. Comprendo?
Fam Guy said…
Nope, and don't pretend to.
ladyj said…
Didn't think so....
Anonymous said…
I hate to throw another extremist group into the mix but what about those who follow around military funerals. At a time when a family deserves their grief.....
Fam Guy said…
Just another religious fanatic group. Way too many around. They think they know 'the mind of god', and they need to enlighten the rest of the world, when their own lives are all screwed up.
ladyj said…
You nailed it when you wrote Extremist. Fanatics are everywhere. They are in our churches, on our street corners, in our military, and in our government. We should know the difference through common sense, education, and our core values. Wearing blinders is not the answer. There will come a time when we will have to make a choice who we will follow. The choice will be death or life. It's up to each of us to know which one to follow.

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