My conundrum,

is, that I am happy, but maybe that's not good, cuz 'there is no hope for the satisfied man', according to common wisdom. Is there something wrong with me, cuz I don't have a guilty feeling, for not 'doing more'? Should I feel guilty for being happy with what I have, instead of wanting more? At this point in my life, I refuse to go down that road, with guilt feelings, thinking I should do, or be what 'other' people out there, think I should. Not saying I'm not open to change, but I kinda like my life as it is, and that's not all bad, at least from my point of view, which is my favorite point of view.


Ranny said…
The real question Carol satisfied??
Fam Guy said…
She's still here and she smiles a lot.
Ranny said…
That should really make you wonder what she is doing
Fam Guy said…
She's doing me, that's why she's smiling.

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