Never claimed to be

un-biased in this, or any election, and am NOT a Democrat, but, compared to the sleaze merchants in the Repub Party, the Dems are definitely the lesser of the two evils. The Pubs kowtow to the largest voting bloc in the nation, conservative Christians, to get their agenda of perpetual war, Big Oil dominance and tax breaks and legislation for the 1%. Their anti-science and elite-bashing agenda appeals to the Bible thumpers and 'disaffected' masses who can no longer climb the economic ladder, but refuse to recognize that today's economy was wrecked by the last administration who spent record amounts of money, while slashing taxes, mostly for the rich, and wrecking America's image in the world by lying to start 'another' war. The uninformed masses, fed sound bites by FOXNews, love to claim 'it's Obama's economy now', although NO ONE could have fixed the mess he inherited, esp with a Repub Congress who is only interested in obstructing his every move. Never mind, am digressing, BUT, am definitely not a Democrat, although, if I had to choose...


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