Quotes from 'Inside the Bubble',

that strange place inhabited by Repub politicians and the sheep that follow them. Today's quote is from John McCain, which he gave this morning, in reference to, 'Why did you pick Sarah Palin as a running mate.'

'Sarah Palin's qualifications were the overriding reason', Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), said Sunday.

Yup, John, this half term gov, whose prior experience was being mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, is qualified to be a heartbeat (of an OLD man) away from prez of the US. More insight into the Pub brain, which also picked as #1, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum, before settling on Mitt Romney. These clowns, to follow in the footsteps of GWBush. God help us if they ever get to be 'in charge', again.


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