Don't know how much longer

I can maintain my silence, as the same people who wrecked our country, (look at any economic/employment chart, and remember the crash of 2008), do everything they can to make sure our economy doesn't improve, so they have a better chance in upcoming elections. The 'Fair and Balanced' (biggest joke of all time) Network continues it's assault on all things Dem or Obama, while the do-nothing, party of NO, clogs up the legislature, but finds time to vote against Obamacare, 37 times, knowing it means nothing. Speaking of Obamacare, it is a total mess, nothing even close to the single payer system, like Medicare, that the rest of the civilized world has to take care of it's citizens. The 'sausage' that came out of Repub changes is nothing like the original, but the Dems agreed to compromise, just to get the process started. MISTAKE. Now all they have is Obama's name on a Repub crafted disaster. And, OF COURSE the IRS targeted Tea Party named 'social welfare', tax-exempt applications, who by law can't spend over half on political missions. These clowns spent 100% to acheive their plan, which is to defeat Obama and the Dems. As if the Pub backed 'Citizens United' Supreme Court fiasco, 'Corporations are People' isn't blatant enough, allowing billionaires unlimited access to elections, the 1%, led by the Koch brothers are taking over. They continually bitch about foreign policy, conveniently forgetting about the trillion dollar, 'Ooops no WMDs', disaster they left us with. As far as the NSA listening goes, the HUGE headquarters for it, in Utah, was in place when Obama took office and is nothing new for the US. Benghazi was nothing but a distraction until the Pubs got some real issues. The hard fought changes to the 'Too Big to Fail' banks, that Bush wrote checks for over $850 Billion to, have now been repealed by the same Repub lobbyists that make it possible, and profitable, for US companies to ship jobs and HQ's out of the country, so they don't have to pay taxes, while refusing to fund much needed infrastructure projects. They always scream about inflation, BUT, they are WRONG, year after year, as deflation is a bigger problem, and UNemployment is by far the largest problem. Then there was the repeal of the Voting Rights Act, to make it easier for Pubs to steal elections, as they gleefully stack the deck in their favor, in close fought districts. I could go on and on....,
It's been a long, tough but steady slog back from the disaster that Bush and the Pubs caused last time they were in power, and we're not out of it yet, cuz half the Congress doesn't WANT to fix anything. The thought of returning to a 'bought and paid for' govt, powered by the Red Staters (we don't need no education) is just too sickening to contemplate, but that's where we're headed. Like I've said before, the only redeeming factor of the Dems, are the Pubs, who make them look good by comparison.


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