This shows, as well as it can possibly be shown, how the clowns of Bullshit Mountain can look at a situation and TOTALLY turn it around and then shovel the shit to the sheep.

 After Trump incited his mob to insurrection and the domestic terrorists stormed the Capitol, killing five, injuring dozens, ransacking offices and smearing their feces around, it was obvious that more security was needed. Many rightwing militias, 

White Supremecists and other whackjobs threatened to storm the Capitol and finish the job on fringe websites monitored by US Interlude and Security Agencies. SO, The National Guard was brought in to provide the security needed and prevent another rightwing riot.

Which brings us to Tucker Carlson, of FOXCrap, who spewed his own special take on the added security.

Tucker Carlson: As troops swarm our capital, Democrats send clear message: We're in charge now

The Democratic Party is using the military of the United States as a political weapon

If you read more of Tucker’s crap, you’ll be told that the Dems deserved the riot they got, and the rioters weren’t Pubs, but were infiltrated by Antifa and BLM.

OMG, you can’t make this up! BUT, Tucker ‘makes it up’ and the gullible, ignorant sheep swallow the shit.
Some things never change....


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