Where do you even begin, with people(R) who refuse to accept even the most obvious facts? As in Wyoming, with the

 locals not wearing masks, expressing distrust of the coronavirus vaccine, claiming both that the number of reported deaths from the pandemic were "inflated," believing the 2020 presidential election wasn't legitimate, and that the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill was "staged" by Antifa. 

This is a state with FOX on every public and private TV. Where the sheep swallow whatever’s said by Rush, Sean and Dotard. Sheep who believe the election was STOLEN, although there is ZERO evidence? Idiots who won’t wear a mask, cuz COVID is a plot? Morons who look at the sea of Trump flags attacking the Capitol, after Dotard incited them, and claiming it was actually Antifa.

Where do you even begin? This is the ‘fertile ground’, where Trump and FOX sow their lies....


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