For those of us who believe science and scientists, this terrible news conforms what we have heard and known for many years

 For the morons who deny science, but love their mobile phones and big screen TVs, this is just more of another hoax, uncovered by the clowns at FOX, who know as much about climatology and vaccines as I do about rocket science and calculus.

But does this stop the rightwingnut morons from swallowing the crap from FOX and Dotard? 

Of course not…

ALBUQUERQUE — The megadrought in the American Southwest has become so severe that it’s now the driest two decades in the region in at least 1,200 years, scientists said Monday, and climate change is largely responsible.

The drought, which began in 2000 and has reduced water supplies, devastated farmers and ranchers and helped fuel wildfires across the region, had previously been considered the worst in 500 years, according to the researchers.

But exceptional conditions in the summer of 2021, when about two-thirds of the West was in extreme drought, “really pushed it over the top,” said A. Park Williams, a climate scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who led an analysis using tree ring data to gauge drought. As a result, 2000-2021 is the driest 22-year period since 800 A.D., which is as far back as the data goes.


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