Have wondered MANY times if there is ANYTHING that will open the sheep’s eyes to what a huckster/bullshit artist that Dotard actually is.

 Will his support of Putin, as the dictator he longs to be wages war on the innocent people of Ukraine show his ‘head up their ass’ crowd what MOST of us know about the Pussy Grwbber?

Probably not. It’s not like they use facts in their world.

Stolen Elections, being against vaccinations, and believing a Pathological Liar/morally bankrupt NYC tax dodger is ‘your guy’ shows the mental capacity of his double digit IQ followers.

If I gotta explain, you ain’t gonna understand.

And, as I’ve said MANY times, I’m not a Democrat. They have WAY too many problems, BUT to hook up its Benedict Donald, WTF is wrong with you?


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