There’s a reason The South, base of the Repub Party, has the lowest income in the US. A LARGE part of the population

 is uneducated and uninformed. The perfect combination for Republicans, FOXNews, MAGA hats and now the epicenter of unwanted babies by mothers who can’t afford them.

SOOOO, who gets stuck with the cost and consequences? All of us, that’s who, 

Although the large majority, right at two to one, supported Roe v Wade, Dotard’s picks, after McTurtleface stole the Dem pick, get to force their religious beliefs down the throats of the majority.

Thanks again, Der Trumpkof.. BTW, Dotard says ‘this will be Big Loser for the Pubs at the ballot box’.

We can only hope so.

“What we’re going to see is a shock to poverty and inequality for poor women, Black women, young women in the Deep South.What we will see are poor, vulnerable women, many of whom are already parenting, having children that they do not feel prepared for and suffering in poverty as a result.”


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