As I see more lawsuits by Dominion and other voting machine companies against My Pillow Guy, FOX and other rightwing outlets I wonder….

 Where do you rightwingnut morons get your evidence about a Stolen Election?

From the Pathological Liar who can’t admit he LOST? From conservative outlets who are being successfully sued for broadcasting LIES about the election? From your ‘gut’?

From some rightwingnut Facebook post?

Or is it cuz it’s just what you WANT to believe?

Seriously. What evidence do you whackjobs hang your hat on?

The MILLIONS of you morons must have SOMETHING?

I have Googled ‘election deniers evidence’, just as you can, and there’s NOTHING.

Can you say gullible ignorant sheep, who don’t give a shit about messing with the bedrock of our democracy, cuz some lying piece of shit can’t accept defeat?


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