I can understand why some people are liberals and some are conservatives, BUT,

 It drives me crazy to see the interviews with prospective voters when they say they are voting Repub cuz of high oil prices and inflation.

Some of Biden’s policies may have contributed a bit to inflation in the US, but it’s a worldwide problem, caused mainly by the world emerging from COVID and the sudden demand for oil and other products at a time when Putin, Dotards pal, invaded Ukraine.

Highe oil prices, and the inflation they cause, are out of Biden’s hands. It’s worldwide and the US is doing better than most, but Trump and FOX, one and the same, have hammered the sheep with ‘blame Biden’ bullshit and they swallow it as they overlook the criminal conman’s and his insurrection, as he’s tried everything to kill basic democracy.

His LIES about a Stolen Election have been swallowed and regurgitated by the sheep, with a total,lack of evidence.

Th3re was no voter fraud, and Dotard knew it, but that didn’t stop the LIES.

If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.


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