And in other news from the Christian Nationalist Repub Party, the main branch of the Pub Party.


Ex-Trump Lawyer Slammed As A 'Monster' After Vile Take On Club Q Shooting

Right-wing attorney Jenna Ellis, who has a history of anti-LGBTQ bigotry, suggested the victims were suffering in hell.
.@JennaEllisEsq on the Club Q shooting. The “people killed in the nightclub that night, there is no evidence/that they were Christians. Assuming they have not accepted the truth/affirmed Christ as the lord of their life they are now reaping the consequences of eternal damnation.”
Really? These morons believe in ‘burning in the Lake of Fire, for Eternity’, for those who don’t believe in the loving God of the Christians, as they do?
And these people vote, in their MAGA hats…..


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