SOOO, I’m not the only one who thinks the Russell Wilson fiasco ranks right up there with ‘the worst deal,EVER, pro sports?


Russell Wilson Trade Deemed 'Worst Deal in Sports History' as Panthers Beat Broncos

Yup, the Broncos gave up three great players, all their draft picks for years, and paid the ‘all power to Jesus Christ’ spouting loser $245 MILLION!

OMG, the jerk couldn’t start on a decent college team! And tomorrow we’ll hear the same old lame tripe from him as he hides behind his religion and his upbeat drivel. I’m betting Jesus wouldn’t claim the loser if they passed on the street….

The Bronco’s management has to be ready to string him up from the nearest tree, and the loser sure wouldn’t be able to scramble away from them….. 

BTW, if he’s NOT the worst deal in sports history, who the hell is?


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