We learned more about the jerk(R) who shot up Club Q in Colorado Springs, killing five and wounding eighteen, and I’m SHOCKED to find that he comes from a religious, conservative Repub family. Who da thunk?

 His father said, ‘I praised him for violent behavior really early. I told him it works. It is instant, and you'll get immediate results," Brink said.

Brink told the outlet his family is "Mormon" and "conservative Republican." He said that the first fear he had after finding out the news was that his son is gay.

"You know Mormons don't do gay. We don't do gay. There's no gays in the Mormon church. We don't do gay," Brink said. 

Hmmm, just like the hard core, rightwingnut ‘Christians’, with whom I had several arguments, back when we used to do extended family Thanksgivings. If there had been MAGA hats back then, they’d have been wearing them, when they explained homosexuality was a ‘choice’. When I asked if they remembered when they had to ‘choose’, they claimed that cuz they were SO manly they chose correctly.

You wonder how much I miss them and their whackjob agenda?


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