Luckily, competence and common sense prevailed, but just barely.


Walker, Trump’s Celebrity Pick, Underscores Trump’s Fall

Trump though celebrity could overcome all. That the people of Georgia would be like Repubs across the country and elect an incompetent, morally bankrupt liar, just cuz he was famous. And, within a few percent points, it almost happened, BUT, because of Doatrd’s interference in several Senate elections, the Dems held on to seats that would have gone Repub, without the Orange Clown’s interference.
Thanks Donald’s, and PLEASE, you gullible ignorant sheep, have this criminal as ‘your boy’ in 2024.
BTW, Herschel’s son had this to say about his ‘Christian’ father, Dotard’s pick.
‘Don’t beat women, hold guns to people’s heads, fund abortions then pretend you’re pro-life, stalk cheerleaders, leave your multiple minor children alone to chase more fame, lie, lie, lie, say stupid crap, and make a fool of your family,” he wrote. “And then maybe you can win a Senate seat.”


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