OMG! In a typical, perfect example of FOX ‘news’ reporting the clowns(R) sorta admitted Santos ‘embellished his resume a bit’,

 BUT, he’s he’s not a as bad as the Dems, cuz he ‘admitted it’,

‘He’s not exactly Jefferson Smith from "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," but the capital finally has a politician who is telling the truth,’ according to Dan Gainor at FOXNews.

Yup. After getting caught, as probably the worst liar since The Big Lie(r), Santos finally was forced to confront the YUUUUGE pile of crap he spouted, and he admitted to ‘embellishment’, SO, that makes him a good guy at FOX, and now they can move on to Biden, and what they do best.I

Just like they view Jan 6 as some patriotic tourists visiting the Capitol with Trump admonishing them to keep it civil.

There’s LIES, there’s damn LIES and there’s FOX, shoveling the shit to the sheep.

According to the clowns at FOX, Santos is an honest politician, cuz he admitted he lied, and it’s time to move on to attacking the Dems.

Same old shit from the Roger Ailes project…..


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