Can you say ‘Stinkin Hypocrites?’ As in, the Pubs care about fiscal responsibility ONLY when there’s a Dem in office. When there’s a Pub, they consistently outspend the Dems.

 And this upcoming ‘bill’ for money already spent, was spent mostly on Trumpty Dumpty’s watch.

BUT, when did logic ever work on these a-holes(R)?

Raising the debt ceiling has never been a big deal when there's a Republican in the White House

Republicans in Congress raised it three times under President Donald Trumpwithout issue, even as Trump was adding nearly $7.8 trillion to the national debt. It’s a dumb and dangerous cudgel being swung about by lummoxes who don’t care if others get hurt.

This is like playing with fire in a dynamite factory, as a few rightwingnut Repubs literally endanger the economy of the entire world, and run the danger of the US dollar being replaced, as the world reserve currency, if their grandstanding moves toward their plan, which remains the same.

Screw up the economy SO BAD that the Pubs have a better chance to win, in 2024.

Peripheral damage, US citizens, be damned…..


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