
Showing posts from June, 2024

I’m sure the crowd that backs Degenerate Don doesn’t even understand the concept of Ironic Hypocrisy, as their boy pushes the Ten Commandments, most of which he breaks daily.

  Trump Endorses Ten Commandments In Schools, Urges Evangelical Christians To Vote OMG! Are these sheep being played, or what? Laughably funny, if it weren’t so sad…

The party of Law and Order, that believes in the Constitution? What a joke…


Anita Hill warned us about this lying, corrupt jerk, but the Pubs pushed him through, anyway, cuz when did they care about ethics?


The pig is laughable and the sheep swallow his crap.


I wonder if the morons(R) sweating their asses off are getting close to accepting reality? Or do they still swallow FOXShit?


Just saw an an amazing movie, with an all star cast, and am surprised it wasn’t a bigger hit.

 Maybe you had to live through the time, but ‘The Company You Keep’, with Robert Redford, Susan Sarandon, Julie Christie, Shia LaBeouf, Nick Nolte, Sam Elliott, Stanley Tucci, Anna Kendrick, Terrence Howard, Chris Cooper and many others is very well done. Directed by Robert Redford, it brings back the days of the Viet Nam war, when the government was killing thousands, of us and them, in a bullshit war and sending those who disagreed with them to prison.  Great movie compared to a lot of the crap on screen these days.

FOXNews has a list of ten cities with the most affordable houses, under $200,000, and guess what? They are all in Repub states.

  US cities with the most homes under $200,000 Study shows cities where potential buyers have the best chance at finding an affordable home No shit! The places where people would LEAST like to live are all in Republican states.  Duh, who da thunk you get exactly what you pay for? Where people live when they can’t afford to leave. Where the uneducated, low income crowd is FORCED to live. MAGA cap wearing places, that vote straight Repub. where they get their ‘news’ from FOX, avoiding vaccinations, large paychecks and Pride Day. There’s a reason that nine of the ten highest education, highest income states are all blue, and the LOWEST priced housing markets are all red. And CHEAP housing is something that the clueless jerks at Bullshit Mountain are PROUD of? What a bunch of morons, preaching to their uneducated, low income, Republican voting audience…

SOOO, if the rightwingnuts are gonna require this, then they should be required to put a Check Mark beside every one of them that their boy, Boss Hogg has broken, just to keep it all in context.

  Louisiana Requires Every Public School Classroom To Display The Ten Commandments Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed the law Wednesday, making Louisiana the first state to implement such a requirement.

Machine guns are illegal, for obvious reasons, BUT, the Pubs have a way around it, to make it easier for mass shootings to set new records.


In the not too distant future, how many MORE people are gonna look back, with the same regrets as Jenna Ellis, part of Dotard’s ‘fake elector’ criminal scheme.

  “In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence,” Ellis said in Fulton County Superior Court last year. “If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this full experience with deep remorse.”

According to the professional liars at FOX, the Biden administration paid $6 Billion to Iran and they used part of that money to finance Hamas, who attacked Israel

 But, that’s total bullshit, like most of FOX ‘news’. It was Irans money, locked up by sanctions, and the US said they would pay the SUPPLIER of food and medicine, BUT, after the Hamas attack the ENTIRE amount was locked up AGAIN, before Iran got a nickel. BUT, that didn’t stop the LIES from Bullshit Mountain. Same old shit from the professional liars at FOX.

Watching a program on the ‘Fake Electors’, where the Repubs tried to overturn the election, backed by Dotard and the Repubs, after Boss Hogg LOST the election.

 Some of the criminals(R) are being prosecuted, while others are running for office, BASED on their crimes, and a yuuuge number gullible ignorant morons(R) are supporting them. WTF!  When did LIES and crimes become acceptable to the formerly respectable Repub Party? Was it when they were taken over by Trump, or was it earlier with the LIES from Rupert Murdoch’s Propaganda Network, where Sean, Tucker and the clowns KNEW they were spreading LIES to the gullible ignorant sheep and did it anyway. They stopped for a little while after the $876 million fine, but not for long. Just check out the ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, any day, where Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD is the criteria for everything that’s shoveled to the sheep, and the fake electors lawsuit has been shelved by Trump friendly judges. Can you say BULLSHIT?

After Mary’s book, ‘Too Much and Never Enough ‘, another Trump relative has written a book, AND, like 90% of the people who have worked for or with the asshole, Fred obviously can’t the jerk.

 ‘All In The Family’, by Dotard’s cousin, is going to come out later in the summer, but we have gotten some pre-publication nuggets, many of which aren’t new, but help to qualify what others, like cousin Mary have written. The memoir, titled “All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way,” is set to come out on July 30 from Gallery Books. This book, also, claims that Donald cheated his way through life. The book alleges, among other things, that the former president paid someone to take his SAT test for college admissions, and viewed “cheating as a way of life.” It is impossible to find transcripts of his grades, in prep school or college, because his lawyers have threatened anyone who discloses such information with lawsuits and criminal action. Hardly the reaction of someone who’s  proud of their record. Should be interesting to see what cousin Fred can add to the stinking resume of the LYING, morally bankrupt criminal conman who sees lying, cheating and intimidation as a way

The MAGA-hatted morons never let facts get in the way of their blatant Hypocrisy.


He may claim to be a billionaire, even after a BUNCH of bankruptcies, but Boss Hogg never misses an opportunity to fleece his gullible clueless sheep.

 Wow, superhero trading cards. RU kidding?

Wow, I’m shocked, as the frustrated standup comedian rambles all over the place, trying to get laughs and applause from his gullible ignorant audience, who think stories about sharks and electric boats are funny.

  Former President Donald Trump failed to impress everyone in a room full of top CEOs this week, multiple attendees told CNBC. “Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” said one CEO who was in the room. Several CEOs “said that [Trump] was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought [and] was all over the map,” Andrew Ross Sorkin, co-host of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” reported.

Old Joe’s in Italy for the G7, or, as FOX put it,

 Biden Flees Country After Hunter Is Convicted

After screaming for months to prosecute Hunter,

 The GOP is now claiming it’s a Dem plot to take the spotlight from Joe, and the Biden crime family. Whenever one of their lies are exposed, the jerks just make up a newer, bigger one. And the gullible ignorant sheep swallow that crap, too. And Joe controls the Dept of Justice, which prosecuted his son?

Boss Hogg returned to ‘the scene of the crime’ today. At least one of the scenes, of one of his crimes, where his gullible ignorant minions swallowed his LIES and stormed the Capitol, injuring over 140 police officers, shit in the halls of Congress and tried to hang his VP, while he watched on TV and did NOTHING, until the mob began to tire.

Today, the convicted felon mentioned none of that, probably hoping those in attendance on the day he Incited an Insurrection, based on LIES, (after he LOST the election), had forgotten or forgiven. Probably so, considering what morons they(R) they are, as they gathered to kiss the ring, and ass, of the AntiChrist.

Over 90% of Trump’s tax cut went to the ultra wealthy ten percenters, with MOST of it going to corporations and the ONE percenters. Why do you think Elon is such a YUUUGE fan?

 Who ya think’s gotta make up for this, in either higher taxes or lost benefits, like social security and health care? Now, the jerk(R) is promising more of the same tax cuts, with ZERO information on how he’s gonna PAY for it, other than running up the debt. A senior White House official said that Republicans’ plans to extend or expand the temporary tax cuts put in place in 2017 would likely come at the expense of ordinary Americans. “Although congressional Republicans haven’t specified how they’ll finance this round of tax cuts, every major Republican tax cut for the wealthy or corporations in recent decades has put the burden on middle- and low-income Americans, and this time will be no different,” Lael Brainard, director of the White House’s National Economic Council, said Wednesday.

File it under, ‘You can’t make this stuff up’, as the Hypocrites(R) have no bounds to their Hypocrisy.

  Republicans Who Defied Subpoenas Vote To Hold Garland In Contempt For Defying Subpoena Unlike the attorney general, Reps. Jim Jordan, Scott Perry and Andy Biggs ignored congressional subpoenas over their ties to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.

FOX, and ther rest of the rightwingnut media, continually push ‘the economy sucks’ to the gullible, ignorant sheep. And they swallow it.

 They claim the economy was better under Dotard than it is now, though that’s totally untrue under any measurable stats. AND, although 3 of 4 Americans say their own personal finances are good or great, half of them say the country’s economy is bad or terrible, cuz they swallow the crap from Rupert’s Propaganda Factory. In rightwingnut world facts don’t have a chance.  Just ask Boss Hogg’s minions, where OVER HALF believe he WON the election, although over sixty courts said there was ZERO evidence of it. The bad news? The votes of these morons count the same as an intelligent, informed voter.

I don’t claim to be an expert on the Bible, BUT, I do remember a lot of it, from the MANY mornings spent in Sunday School, when I would rather have been sleeping.

 The teaching of Jesus couldn’t be more different from those of Boss Hogg, who cares ONLY about himself, as he rails against most of Christ’s teachings, including immigrants, the sick and the poor. If you claim he honored his father (or rather his money), he’s only broken nine of the Ten Commandments, most very regularly, cuz he definitely KILLED hundreds of thousands of Americans with his total incompetence during COVID. BUT, he does resemble a major character in the so-called End Times..  If Donald Trump isn’t a dead ringer for the Anti-Christ, he comes closer than anyone on earth, today. Go ahead, thumpers, look it up, and please tell me why your boy doesn’t fit the character you are warned about.

Dems are saying they gotta push the fact that Boss Hogg is a felon. BULLSHIT!

  Not only do voters know that Trump is a liar and corrupt, narcissistic and venal; his supporters have repeatedly found ways to slide past his liabilities, and nothing he can say or do would be worse than what he’s said and done, obviously. Bottom line, he’s a LYING, morally bankrupt criminal conman, and his supporters couldn’t care less. Deal with it….

A day after the overwhelmingly Repub organization voted to kick out any congregations headed by a woman,

 the power hungry, woman dominating jerks of the Southern Baptists have come out against IVF, in vitro fertilization, the last hope of families who desperately want a child. Some of their leaders, with a nod from Clarence Thomas, are also looking at banning all contraception, as they thump their Good Book, where women are less than second class citizens. Southern Baptists Vote to Oppose Use of I.V.F. With almost 13 million church members across the United States, the Southern Baptist Convention has long been a bellwether for American evangelicalism and strong supporters of Donald Trump.

Hunter Biden conviction shatters Trump’s persecution narrative, along with Dems Menendez and Cuellar,

 SO, the Pubs, led by Dotard, just ginned up up some NEW LIES, about the ‘Biden Crime Family’ to shovel to the gullible sheep. The guns lovers(R) bust Hunter for illegally owning a gun, when millions of their members would also be guilty, and the Hypocrites(R) can’t see the irony, or know the meaning of the word. Assault women, brag about it, try to overturn an election, based on LIES, steal Top Secret docs, LIE about it, Incite an Insurrection….No Problem. Lie on an application for a handgun? PRISON, for th guilty criminal, if he’s a Dem…. Can you say HYPOCRITES?

There’s a reason that Boss Hogg got less then 12% of the vote in NYC, where they’ve known, and hated him for years.

 Sure, he can fool the Christian/farmers in the flyover states, cuz, ‘he’s one of them’, as they like to say. BUT, for New Yorkers who have lived with his bullshit and nastiness since the 80’s, they’re a little smarter than that. Most of us are older,” said member Jamie Bauer, 65, of New York City. “We know Trump from the '80s, and he’s been a despicable, racist, nasty character the entire time. So we’re just happy it finally caught up with him.” Will his convictions, and all the charges and upcoming trials matter to the gullible ignorant sheep who get their news from a Republican Propaganda Outlet matter? Of course not! He’s a Christian, like them…..

Wow, Boss Hogg is truly a man of the people, in touch with the problems we all face. Get electrocuted or be eaten by a shark?

  At a recent rally, Trump brought up   the dilemma that’s keeping so many Americans who ride through shark-infested waters in battery-powered boats awake at night: “What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater and   there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there ?” It’s truly every electric-boat-using parent’s worst nightmare, assuming they don’t understand  how boat batteries work  and don't question why the shark that’s 10 yards over there wouldn’t also be getting electrocuted. A small glimpse into the mind of a madman….

There’s a famous quote attributed to Gandhi that reminds me of Boss Hogg’s base.

  Gandhi:  “I very much like your Christianity.  It’s your Christians that I cannot stand.”  

Finally, Tommy Tuberville explains his philosophy.

  WASHINGTON ( The Borowitz Report )—Explaining his vote against birth control last week, Senator Tommy Tuberville said on Tuesday that he opposes contraception and all other words with more than one syllable. “I saw that word ‘contraception’ and that was a quick ‘no’ vote for me,” the Alabama lawmaker said. “Don’t know what that means. Won’t look it up.”  Proud of his consistent opposition to polysyllabic words, Tuberville said, “Immigration. Education. Vaccination. No, no, no.” The senator said, however, that he would continue supporting one-syllable words such as guns and oil.  Summarizing his position, he said, “Short words good. Long words bad.”

Whenever Dotard gets called on something he said or did, he just LIES about it, and the sheep swallow his crap, like now, when he denies calling veterans ‘suckers and losers’.

  Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources tell  The Atlantic .

Now, Captain Bonespurs is claiming he never said it, after his Chief of Staff, John Kelly, and three others around him, swear he did. Who ya gonna believe?

  When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true. Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

The LYING piece of crap just won’t/cant stop himself, from trying to convince his gullible ignorant followers that he didn’t LOSE the election.

 The uninformed, misinformed morons swallow his crap about a Stolen Election, SOO he just keeps shoveling the shit to the sheep. Over sixty courts, most run by Republicans said BULLSHIT. There was NO stolen election. ZERO evidence! WTF is wrong with these people who believe the crap that comes from the mouth of a pathological LIAR? Oh yeah….. FOXNews. Donald Trump Praises Jan. 6 Insurrectionists As 'Warriors' The former president also falsely claimed the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection was a "setup" by police officers at the U.S. Capitol.

I am SO sick of the Republicans, and the way they support Trump, no matter WHAT the LYING, morally bankrupt jerk says, or does.

 He LOST the election, and LIED about it. And the gullible ignorant morons keep swallowing his crap. He’s a CRIMINAL in SO many ways, and is trying to overturn our democracy, with the help of the Republican Party, who will do ANYTHING a to try and keep their power,,which comes with a YUUGE amount of $$$$. Just sickening to see what has happened to a once respectable political party. Sickening….

Boss Hogg is just an insane LIAR, and th sheep eat it up.

  “Everybody knows that in the eighth month and the ninth month and beyond that — hard to believe, they have some states passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth,” Trump said. “It’s crazy.”   No state is trying to pass legislation to execute newborn babies, which is homicide. OMG! Who swallows his crap?  Oh yeah….

It’s June 6th, 80th anniversary of D-day, and I happen to remember the 75th.

Dotard was in France, BUT, he didn’t attend the ceremonies, cuz it was too rainy. Might have mussed his beautiful hair. The ONLY leader who did attend. He later called our solders, like my dad, suckers and losers. Look it up if you don’t believe me, MAGA morons. You should be SO proud….

Just when you think the dickwads in the Republican Party can’t possibly get any worse, they always do.

 Not only do they want to deny women control over their own bodies, they want people to deny the sexuality they were BORN with. Can you imagine the screaming from these jerks if THEY were forced to change their sexual preferences, cuz of some dumbass political crap, and control from a religion that THEY didn’t agree with? The Colorado Republican Party says it stands by a social media post that called for the burning of all Pride flags this week as the LGBTQ+ community celebrated the beginning of Pride month. “Burn all the #pride flags this June,” the state GOP  wrote in a post on X,  formerly Twitter, on Monday. The party also sent an  email blast targeting Pride month. “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children,” said the email, signed by party Chairman Dave Williams. The chairman told USA TODAY in an email Wednesday that the state GOP makes "no apo

Good, another criminal is gonna get locked up, but will probably be a corporate prison, with large screen TVs and room service

  BREAKING NEWS A judge ordered the longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon to begin his prison sentence for defying a House subpoena by July 1. Thursday, June 6, 2024 12:57 PM ET Bannon faces a four-month sentence for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the  Jan. 6 committee.

Some more thoughts/wisdom from my buddy Dave, who, like me, thought the uninformed, misinformed masses who get their ‘news’ from a Repub Propaganda Outlet was a small minority…..

  With the rise of Trumpism, I now realize that it’s close to half the country which not only fervently believes all the hate radio (and Fox TV) Big Lies – but (for some of them) are now amped up to a fever pitch - just one “trigger point” away from “killing for Christ” over their pent-up hatred.  It’s a pressure cooker without a safety valve – and eventually it’s gonna blow.

Felons, like birds of a feather, tend to congregate together.

  Colin Cowherd, who’s not a usual Trump critic,   treated his listeners to an inventory   of the criminals around Trump:  “His campaign chairman was a felon. So is his deputy campaign manager, his personal lawyer, his chief strategist, his national security adviser, his trade adviser, his foreign policy adviser, his campaign fixer and his company C.F.O. They’re all felons. Judged by the company you keep. It’s a cabal of criminals and convicts.” Do the sheep give a shit? Of course not….

Damned Netanyahu. Same headlines every day, as thousands starve.

  Live Updates: Israeli Strike Kills Dozens at School Complex Where Civilians Sought Shelter The Israeli military said it had targeted Hamas operatives at a U.N. school complex. Palestinian officials said the dead included women and children.

Charles Blow had a good article on aging today. Here’s a part of it….

How many summers might I have left? How many more times will I see the leaves sprout and the flowers bloom? How many more times will I spend a day by the pool or enjoy an ice cream on a hot day? I don’t consider these questions because I’m worried, but because I want to remind myself to relish. Relish every summer day. Stretch them. Fill them with memories. Smile and laugh more. Gather with friends and visit family. Put my feet in the water. Grow things and grill things. I make my summers count by making them beautiful.   I have no intention of raging against my aging. I intend to embrace it, to embrace the muscle aches and the crow’s feet as the price of growing in wisdom and grace; to understand that age is not my body forsaking me but my life rewarding me. Aging, as I see it, is a gift, and I will receive it with gratitude.

Again, thanks Dave, and hope you don’t mind me passing on your words, as we freak out together….

  The G.O.P. Push for Post-Verdict Payback: ‘Fight Fire With Fire’ ( NYT  - 6/5/24)   In case you’re not closely following the blow-by-blow reactions in Trumpworld to Trump’s felony convictions in New York last week – the article below summarizes the all-out war that Trump and his minions have declared upon “the Marxists and Communists” (aka “Democrats”).  They’re calling for massive and indiscriminate legal “retribution” to be carried out at all levels of government against any and all Democrats – all in a blind rage of unfocused revenge for Trump’s conviction.  In short, a call for lynch mobs with briefcases.   This is nothing short of a declaration of war against civil society itself.  Everything about the Trump’s New York trial was carried out in open, public court and all the rules of legal protection for both prosecution and defense were scrupulously followed before a jury of Trump’s peers unanimously convicted Trump.  In response, Trumpworld has declared an all-out campaign of “

As I read, see and hear the rightwing media’s reaction to the guilty verdict against Trump, one thing stands out.

 They totally ignore the facts of the case. That he was charged under the law and after hearing the evidence, twelve jury members found him unanimously Guilty. The clowns at FOX and other propaganda outlets act like the Dems just made up the charges, dodged the judicial system and found him culpable, with Zero evidence. Sorta like the Pubs claimed the election was Stolen., with ZERO evidence. It’s total bullshit, but the sheep are acting that this case, like Inciting an Insurrection, stealing Top Secret documents and trying to overturn an election are just ‘made up’. WTF is wrong with these sheep? Nothing new here but it’s just Un-F’ing-believable…..

Old Joe is at Normandy, honoring our veterans, including my father, on the 80th anniversary of D-day.. Do you remember when Dotard was there for the 75th anniversary?

 While ALL the other world leaders went to the ceremony, Boss Hogg said it was too rainy, and stayed in his hotel, later calling our military, ‘suckers and losers’. Look it up, sheep. What an asshole, who’s supported by the minions who swallow the crap from FOX, where Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD is all they catapult the crap to the uninformed, misinformed masses. F**k him and the sheep he rode in on.

Because immigration is such a YUUGE issue, the Pubs and Dems got together several months ago, and, FOR A CHANGE, and passed a bipartisan bill, addressing the issues of both parties.

BUT, Boss Hogg heard about it and realized he couldn’t use it as a campaign/political issue, SO the asshole called his minions in Congress and, working against the best interests of the country, had them kill it. Months later, with immigration STILL a YUUGE problem, old Joe bypassed the assholes(R) who kiss Dotard’s fat ass (with tongue) and used his power to install a truly powerful border plan, cutting the entries down to a manageable number, starting today! SOOO, what do the Hypocrites(R) do? Praise him for taking action and protecting the border? NOOOO They’re fighting him, cuz they’d lose a talking point in the election. What a bunch of assholes(R), who consistently put party ahead of country. Nothing new here, for the jerks(R) led by a LYING, morally bankrupt, convicted criminal conman.

After their boy was convicted on 34 felonies, the Pubs love to scream that the Dept of Justice just picks on them, cuz they’re Pubs. Boo hoo…

 But that’s bullshit, like most of their party line.  Just ask Dems Menendez and Cuellar, two crooks who are facing charges, cuz they are obvious criminals, like Boss Hogg. But at least the HYPOCRITES can claim a Biden scalp, after their total bullshit shot at old Joe, for corruption, fell apart for ZERO evidence, they are persecuting Hunter for buying a gun, (I thought they LOVED guns, and wanted EVERYONE to have several?) when he was using drugs, like half the good ol boys in the South. Incite an Insurrection, steal Top Secret documents and try to overturn an election…No Problem, if you have a few judges in your pocket. Obtain a gun for self defense by lying on a Federal form? You’re going to prison, son, in Pub world.

IF it was a news flash that the Lyin King did it again, on a large stage, I’d document it here, as so many have in the last few days, after the clowns on FOX asked Dotard about his Lock Her Up comments during his presidential run against Hillary.

 The LYING piece of shit said, ‘I never said that, but some people did’, and the professional asskissers let the LIE go, when it is SO obvious that the asshole said it MANY times, like when he recently said, ‘The Dems wanna raise your taxes, four times as much, and if they win, you can’t have a car, etc’. BUT, catching Boss Hogg in an outright LIE isn’t news. It surprises NO ONE. If old Joe gets caught, it’s headline news, cuz it’s so rare. Trump lying, it’s ho hum, whatever…. Bottom line, his uninformed, misinformed minions couldn’t care less about his continual LIES, cuz they KNOW he lies his fat ass off, constantly, and they don’t give a shit. Says a LOT about them, doesn’t it?

I know there’s a BUNCH of apologists ’out ther’ for the LYING, morally bankrupt criminal conman/felon, BUT,

 I just wonder what the Boss Hogg cheerleaders have to say about the fake electors(R), who LIED, like their hero, and tried to overturn the election. Ya think these criminals are just fine, like the criminal head of your party, who Incited an Insurrection, based on LIES? The same criminal who stole Top Secret documents and LIED about it, as he hid at least one truckful SOMEWHERE? For some reason, like blackmail or sale?  I am SO old that I remember when the Repub party was too conservative, BUT, they weren’t criminals, or at least didn’t support criminals. Wow, long ago, right?

Who swallows the crap from the Repub Propaganda Machine, especially the crap about Biden ordering the FBI to ‘take Trump out’ with a shoot to kill order?

 I know the FOXSheep are a bunch of uninformed, misinformed morons, but, c’mon…. Garland on use of force rule for Trump Mar-a-Lago search: We did the same for Biden The former president had accused the FBI of attempting to “take me out with deadly force.”

Wow, I knew I love living here, but….

  Broomfield Ranked Sixth in Best Place to Live in America List Broomfield, CO was recently revealed as #6 out of 100 on Livability’s 2024 list of the Top 100 "Best Places to Live" in America. For these rankings, analysts focused on small to mid-size cities with populations between 75,000 and 500,000.  Economy, housing, cost of living, safety, transportation, amenities, and other factors were taken into account as well. The article on the Livability website says that Broomfield, as a technology hub, has many amenities, including nature trails, upbeat breweries, golf courses, and vibrant parks for its over 76,000 residents. The website goes on to say: Why You’ll Love Living In Broomfield, Colorado Broomfield, Colorado, is smaller than the state capital but bursting at the seams with entertainment, attractions and outdoor amenities. Newcomers and long-time residents alike appreciate the more than 700 acres of green space, including numerous bike trails, 45 playgrounds, and thre

Wow, I’m shocked? Boss Hogg’s employees got paid millions, extra,

 when they were subpoenaed to testify in his criminal case. Looks like MORE crimes from the criminal conman. Who da thunk? Multiple Trump Witnesses Have Received Significant Financial Benefits From His Businesses, Campaign Witnesses in the various criminal cases against the former president have gotten pay raises, new jobs and more, including million dollar bonuses.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a stooopid beeyotch(R) from Georgia just keeps sinking to new lows, but had to look up to see whale shit during the Dr Anthony Fauci hearings.

 Am not going to get into her idiocy here, but some members of Congress addressed it. ‘Gentlewoman’, my ass….. “Dr. Fauci is an honorable public servant who has devoted his entire career to the public health and public interest,” Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, said. “He is not a comic book supervillain.” California Rep. Robert Garcia, who said both of his parents died from COVID-19, thanked Fauci for helping shape policies that saved lives during the pandemic. “I lost both of my parents during the pandemic, so I take this very personally," Garcia said while condemning Greene for her comments. “Your quote-unquote so-called science that the gentlewoman is referring to has saved millions of lives in this country and around the world,” Garcia said. “It’s important to note that my opinion is that you are an American hero and your team has done more to save lives than all 435 members of this body on both sides of the aisle.”

Wow, even FOX is truthful on the newest poll. I LUV it…. 10% of Pubs say NO to the pig.

  Trump verdict makes significant number of Republicans less likely to support him: poll A Reuters/Ipsos survey of registered voters shows what Americans think about Donald Trump's guilty verdict

Just as the US had the world on our side after 9-11, and then squandered ALL of the goodwill after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq,

 Israel is doing the same thing as they kill and wound thousands of innocent men, women and children in Gaza.  Netanyahu is a war criminal and should be treated as such.

I don’t always agree with Bernie Sanders, but I totally agree with his boycott of the war criminal Netanyahu, if he speaks to the US Congress.

  Israel has the right to defend itself, but it does not have the right to kill more than 34,000 civilians and wound over 80,000 – 5% of the population of Gaza. It does not have the right to orphan 19,000 children. It does not have the right to displace 75% of the people of Gaza from their homes,” Sanders said. “It does not have the right to annihilate Gaza’s health care system, knocking 26 hospitals out of service and killing more than 400 health care workers,” he continued. “It does not have the right to bomb all 12 of Gaza’s universities and 56 of its schools, or deny 625,000 children in Gaza the opportunity for an education.”

All the MAGA morons oughta be forced to watch last night’s Jimmy Kimmel, (like on Clockwork Orange),

 Where Jimmy showed video of Dotard giving predictions of what the US would be like if old Joe would win. Bullshit like no oil drilling (it’s a record high), the stock market crash, (it’s a record high), no Christmas, Easter, etc and it went on and on. And Boss Hogg was wrong on EVERYTHING, as usual. And the rest of Jimmy’s show, after Boss Hogg’s convictions, was HILARIOUS! But, the people who SHOULD see it were all watching Bullshit Mountain. What a shame….

Seems the Trumpies are bitchin, (SURPRISE), cuz they think the charges brought against their boy are too minor, even though he did, obviously break the law.

 I kinda agree, that it was kinda petty, compared to all the MAJOR crimes by Boss Hogg. I would have much rather had the criminal conman charged with Inciting an Insurrection, or stealing Top Secret documents or Interfering with an Election, all of which he is OBVIOUSLY guilty, BUT, they are all  in the hands of Republican judges, who have made sure that none of them can be adjudicated until AFTER the election, so the evidence of his crimes never sees the light of day. SOO, boinking the porn star, LYING about it and cooking the books had to do. And 12 jurors who heard the facts found the asshole Guilty as Charged, on all 34 counts. SO, tough shit, MAGA morons, any of the other cases woulda been better, but ya gotta play the hand you’re dealt, when it’s the only one you got.