There’s a reason that Boss Hogg got less then 12% of the vote in NYC, where they’ve known, and hated him for years.

 Sure, he can fool the Christian/farmers in the flyover states, cuz, ‘he’s one of them’, as they like to say.

BUT, for New Yorkers who have lived with his bullshit and nastiness since the 80’s, they’re a little smarter than that.

Most of us are older,” said member Jamie Bauer, 65, of New York City. “We know Trump from the '80s, and he’s been a despicable, racist, nasty character the entire time. So we’re just happy it finally caught up with him.”

Will his convictions, and all the charges and upcoming trials matter to the gullible ignorant sheep who get their news from a Republican Propaganda Outlet matter?

Of course not!

He’s a Christian, like them…..


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