After Mary’s book, ‘Too Much and Never Enough ‘, another Trump relative has written a book, AND, like 90% of the people who have worked for or with the asshole, Fred obviously can’t the jerk.

 ‘All In The Family’, by Dotard’s cousin, is going to come out later in the summer, but we have gotten some pre-publication nuggets, many of which aren’t new, but help to qualify what others, like cousin Mary have written.

The memoir, titled “All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way,” is set to come out on July 30 from Gallery Books.

This book, also, claims that Donald cheated his way through life.

The book alleges, among other things, that the former president paid someone to take his SAT test for college admissions, and viewed “cheating as a way of life.”

It is impossible to find transcripts of his grades, in prep school or college, because his lawyers have threatened anyone who discloses such information with lawsuits and criminal action.

Hardly the reaction of someone who’s proud of their record.

Should be interesting to see what cousin Fred can add to the stinking resume of the LYING, morally bankrupt criminal conman who sees lying, cheating and intimidation as a way of life, because his wealth and Army of Lawyers have allowed him to live an arrogant, egotistical life without consequences.

Truly presidential material, if you live with your head up your ass.


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