Watching a program on the ‘Fake Electors’, where the Repubs tried to overturn the election, backed by Dotard and the Repubs, after Boss Hogg LOST the election.

 Some of the criminals(R) are being prosecuted, while others are running for office, BASED on their crimes, and a yuuuge number gullible ignorant morons(R) are supporting them.


When did LIES and crimes become acceptable to the formerly respectable Repub Party?

Was it when they were taken over by Trump, or was it earlier with the LIES from Rupert Murdoch’s Propaganda Network, where Sean, Tucker and the clowns KNEW they were spreading LIES to the gullible ignorant sheep and did it anyway.

They stopped for a little while after the $876 million fine, but not for long.

Just check out the ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, any day, where Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD is the criteria for everything that’s shoveled to the sheep, and the fake electors lawsuit has been shelved by Trump friendly judges.

Can you say BULLSHIT?


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