Finally facing reality...

Two opinions, both coming from politicians finally facing reality, came to the forefront this weekend. First, Tony Blair, whose career is in the crapper after siding with Bush in his ill advised war scheme, admits the decision to attack Iraq, was "disastrous". His Conservative party, like our Republicans, went from total control of the country, to being ousted by voters who are sick of the Iraq debacle. The other big name who finally admitted the war in Iraq "cannot be won", was Henry Kissinger, himself no stranger to failed foreign policy (see Viet Nam). Kinda late guys, but better than never. Now if W can extricate his head from his ass and admit his mistake, maybe something can be done to stop the needless killing and maiming. This morning's paper also had the latest decree from the Bush(league) administration. They are shutting down hundreds of campgrounds and outdoor rec facilities, in an effort to save 343 million dollars. Hundreds of billions to kill people in Iraq, but close down campgrounds at home. Oh well, everyone has their priorities...


Anonymous said…
I heard that "Bush" Said we won the Vietnam War! Idiot!


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