The HUGE difference,

between Pubs and Dems, or Cons vs Libs, continues to be: The Repubs look at the poor, old, children and hungry and see the 5% who abuse the system and wanna 'shut it down' for all, while the Dems realize the 'haves' gotta  help the 'have-nots', while weeding out the waste. While the 'We got ours, screw the rest' mentality rules the Repub party, many of the 'rest of us', realize that many vulnerable paople are dangerously close to being homeless and hungry. No easy fix, but a HUGE difference, as the top 1% continue to reap OVER 90% of the 'profits' of the 'system'. Nothing new here, as the Pubs continue to subsidize the rich, while denying the less fotrunate. Just look at the latest Farm Bill, with large food stamp cuts, while corporate farmers, over 75% are multimillionaires get increased subsidies. Call me a LIBERAL, but I hate to see children and elderly suffering, while the rich get richer...


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