Today's FOX Moment
comes from last night's Daily Show, as Jon Stewart had a collage of FOX news clips, showing the 'The Daily Show', and claiming that if 'even Jon Stewart' is making fun of Obamacare, that PROVES it's bad. Oh Really? Jon then 'went off' on them showing how he makes fun of everyone, incl Dems and Libs, in a collage of work, and how when he made fun of Pubs and Cons, (another large collage, mainly featuring Bush/Cheney), but FOX didn't feature him then. Bottom line, Jon says to FOX, "If you're gonna waatch me, I got a message for you', and he did a song and dance number, featuring a choir singing, 'Go F**K Yourself', in a very personal 'tribute' to the clowns at FOX. SO, that's one thing Jon Stewart and I have in common. A deepseated dislike for FOX News, because of their hypocrisy, lies and blatant political propaganda, BUT, sadly, there are people who actually believe their crap. See/listen to the 'Go F**k Yourself'' choir, here,