Strange as it may seem, I actually lay awake last night thnking of the possibilities for this blog. Part of me said, it don't matter cause no ones' gonna read it anyway, but another part said someday, someone I care about, might. I also wonder if proper spelling, grammar, fixing typos, etc. is important. At this point, I din't think so. We've all seen the message where a complete story has the first and last letter of each word correct, but all the interior letters are mixed up. The human brain, even mine, it seems, is able to read the juxtaposed words nearly as easily correct ones. Go figure. That said, I'll make an effort to be careful, but I'm not going to be too anal. I also decided I will get a little content here, a few days or weeks, before I tell anyone I'm even doing it. That way, if I decide to bail on the project, not many will know I'm a quitter. SOOOOO, my first semi-serious post, has to be something I feel strongly about. And t...