Apologizing in advance,

for "preaching", again, but many people still don't fully understand the basic agenda of the current administration. At it's most basic level, all you really need to know, and everything else becomes obvious, is that GW was /is the culmination his father's "off the chart", obscenely wealthy, Texas oil money, (not to mention their Arab buddies,), contributors, installing "their guy" to increase the price of oil. Viewed in this light, just look at W's actions, and it all makes sense. Sad, but true. Attack the oil patch of the world, guess what? The price of oil goes WAY up. SURPRISE! But, back to my latest rant. I don't think most people realize how the production of ethanol is going to affect ( or effect?) them.. If you believe educated, informed "experts", (the bane of the Bushies) ethanol costs more, in oil products, than it produces. By 25 to 40%, when ALL factors are considered. A very real side effect, other than oil prices going up, (their main plan) is that the price of food is gonna go up even more, in an 'unfortunate', but REAL problem that king George is willing to accept, in the interest of enriching his contributors. With grain going up, all things related, including bread, chicken and beef, etc, are going to compete, and lose, to ethanol production. Just plain economics. SOOO, just realize that you haven't seen the last of the disaster that W's policies are wreaking on our country. Get used to it. You're gonna pay for him and his buddies for a LONG time.....


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