Just a quick note,

when you fill up, at $2.85/gal this week, and realize gas was $1.35/gal when this jackass took power, and you multiply it times the 'tens of millions' of fill-ups, across the nation and world. You will realize the reason HE is in power. SURPRISE, we lose, THEY won, HA, HA, HA, they are laughing at you.......Do you realize how many 'hundreds of billions of dollars' we are talking about???? Do the math, and you will understand, unless you are one of the FDS, those with the, 'fact deflecting skulls', who think it is just a 'coincidence' that Texas Oil Money, took over US politics, and, SURPRISE!, oil prices more than doubled. SORRY, didn't mean to disturb the 'Status Quo". He's just a 'good ol' boy' with our best interests at heart. Talk about IGNORANCE....


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