Just re-realized,

the WORST part of the right wing, totally indefensible, position that those wackos hold dear to their heart, is the fact that they can rationalize, in their tiny little brains, that there is only ONE true news organization. FOX News. How deluded do you have to be, NOT to realize, that of ALL the independant news organizations out there, you would choose to believe, as TRUTH, the ONE organization OWNED by a political party? To anyone with a rational thought process, and I admit, that excludes some of you, it is obvious that "legitimate" news organizations, (Not Fox), are in unanimous accord, that the Bush Administration is a disaster for the average American. BUT, never mind, you idiots have made up your minds. Long live Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the right-wing propaganda machine. When do you mental midgets FINALLY recognize a mistake. FIFTH YEAR not enough for you? Oh yeah, we just need a few more years, a few hundred million more dollars, a few thousand more casualties, and the Iraqi's are gonna GIVE UP, and admit YOU are right. Talk about unmitigated IGNORANCE...... P.S., this just in, 4-10-07, after reading my blog, obviously, the leading Democratic candidates, Clinton, Obama and Edwards, some of the most publicity-hungry people around, have decided to boycott FOX's debate, because that would give FOX the credibility of a legitimate news organization, which MOST people realize, it is NOT. When will the other 25%, those with the 'fact deflecting skulls" come around? Prob'ly never. As Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people, all of the time." How true....


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