It just pisses me off,

to write a check to the gov't like I did today (April 15), knowing part of it goes to pay for Georges' War. Especially after reading an article in the paper this morning, with an interview with Justin Colby, a Ft Carson soldier, one of the growing numbers of'deserters' from the Iraq Debacle. He said he initially enlisted because he wanted to make the Iraqi's pay for the Twin Towers, and, he couldn't find a decent job. It was a huge shock to him, and several of his fellow recruits, when he found out Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. But, by then , it was too late. He found himself in Baghdad, knocking down doors in neighborhoods where IED's had gone off. In over 200 searches, he said "we never found more than an occasional rifle." But, while women and children were held at gun point, they handcuffed and removed all males over 5 ft, to local 'interrogation centers', (George supports torture, but 'only' when other methods don't work), ransacked the houses and helped themselves to money and valuables, because 'they were the enemy.' As the mission continued, he realized the people were becoming more anti-American, and one day, after the guys in his group played soccer with the severed head of a slain Iraqi, he realized he needed to get out. As soon as he got home, for his first scheduled break, he went into hiding and eventually moved to Canada. Scary..... Not that this is typical for ALL soldiers, obviously, but just to hear the story of one guy who said he enlisted for economic and misplaced patriotic reasons, you gotta know he's not alone. Nearly one in four returning soldiers are suffering post traumatic stress disorder. Nice legacy, George. Oh well, you got the price of oil up, and your defense contractor buddies are 'making a killing'. At least somebody's plan worked....


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