E-mail to my Bush supporter buddy

Wanted to hav mor fun, so i bot this thing online that garrunteed to increese my IQ. it wurked grate, but carul sed i had it on backwords. anyway, i sea whut u wur saying. we dont need no stinkin ejukation. the wurld wud be better off just beleeving wut that wunderfull bush guy tells us, he woodnt lie. i doant sea how him and his oil buddees cud have wanted a warr in irak. what wud thay gane? and that nice mr chaney. wut a wunderful, jentelmun he is. i hope helliburden duzznt fire him for being gon frum the co for a while. did thay due ok without him??? ennyway, after my new iq ajustment, i em gonna muve to a red state wear i can feel at hoam. damm liberals think thay r so smarrt. i tink that ejucashun thing iz waay overated...amwith u now bruther.. o and buy the way, go big red, go big red, go big red----

Hope he enjoys the humor.....


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