Thanks again, Bush

“There is a desperate sense of need that there must be something better than Bush out there,” said Dean Godson, head of a conservative research group in London called Policy Exchange. Or, as Thomas Valasek, a spokesman for the Center for European Reform in London, put it: “The world at large has a massive stake in the outcome of the elections. Never before has the U.S. had such a terrible reputation, a terrible image.”
Exerpt from Reuters News Service, about how the entire world is watching this election. Talk about "worst President ever" Without a doubt....


Anonymous said…
Govt. is a business. Its main concern is itself. Govt. doesn't work for its citizens. Senate, House, and Presidents are voted in office, however a strange transformation occurs once in office; these individuals no longer work for their constituents, they now work for the Party.
Government is self-serving, immoral,illegal, ruthless, and for the most part, above the law.
America cannot be a Democracy unless the government serves the people, opens itself to scrutiny, allows the people it represents a voice in how, when, where, and why, laws are passed and vetoed, and provides honesty and integrity to the officeholder.
Our forefather and first builders left their homehands in order to have a life free of governments whose agenda was to rule with an iron fist.
Remember: We are the employers of every Senator and House member, as well as the President of the United States.
Fam Guy said…
So true, so true. As an employer, I would love to be like Donald Trump, and say to Bush, "You're fired!" "Oh, and by the way, you're gonna be charged with the crimes you committed, and will probably go to jail for the rest of your life." If only that SOB could be held responsible for the damage he has done....
Anonymous said…
Thurs. nite on American Chopper, the boys finished a tribute to the National Guard by building a bike. Several injured Guardsmen came to the shop to view the bike during the final stages. One was in a wheelchair, missing an arm and leg; 2 wore eye patches from IED injuries in Iraq.
We have thousands of prisoners behind bars in America living off the government and our dime. Let's put those men and women in uniform; send their asses to the Middle East. Most of them are the worst of the worst. Let them do something constructive for a change!

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