Interesting articles,

in the paper today. Is the war in Iraq costing 2 trillion or 3 trillion dollars? Sources differ, BUT, still, totally incomprehensible numbers. (Just to put it into perspective, after 2 years of hurricanes, wiping out New Orleans, and a large part of Florida, and everything in between, the damages approached $500 billion.) AND, even at this level, they aren't taking into account the price of oil, which will KILL our economy, at this rate, of over $100/barrel, PLUS, the damage to world opinion, the long term effects of taking care of 'veterans', the cost of re-equipping our military, etc. THANKS, GEORGE. You attacked the 'oil basket' of the world, and SURPRISE, the price of oil went from 28 to over 100 $$$ per barrel. Who woulda guessed, your oil friends would profit from your policies??? PLUS, your new rules in the mortgage/lending business, which allowed people to buy houses with NOTHING down, so your buddies in the banking business could reap HUGE profits. And the WORST thing is... This is only the beginning. As our economy collapses, think back to our world, BEFORE Bush. He is here, because of his right-wing supporters, and we have them to thank, as we sink to a 2nd class world power. Without a doubt, the WORST thing to ever happen to Amerika.


Anonymous said…
I think I know what the problem is. Trillion is too big a number. Our brilliant leader probably doen't know what it is. I mean, you can't expect the leader of the free world to know EVERYTHING, can we?!?
Anonymous said…
From what I gather, this war is costing us 12 billion a month! I read today that it has been proved that Saddam had absolutely no ties to any terrorist organizations.
It has also come to my attention that once Georgie makes up his mind about something, he does not change or alter his views. He took the same stance on stem cell research in 2001 and 2004, even though it was proven that no harm was coming to human embryos...his royal hyne would not budge. Is this intelligence, stubbornness, or just plain bullheadedness? I'm positive it's not the first, because this nutcase is not intelligent! I mean, if you blew in his ear, his eyelids would fludder! This boy has sniffed way too much glue.
Fam Guy said…
HB, reminds me of when Bush was told 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed and he was devasted. He just wnated to know how much a 'Brazilian' actually was...
Fam Guy said…
LadyJ. Thanks, but I can't get the picture of W's eyelids fluttering out of my mind. Funny, and probably true..

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