Close encounters,

of the near-fatal kind, involving Matt, wouldn't be complete, without telling about the time we were headed back from Canada, in Jay's RV, (into which we were nice enough to put a NEW transmission, in Canada). 'Twas about sunrise, with Wally driving, as we were headed south on I-25, near Cheyenne, WY, and I was mostly asleep, when, I heard Matt, riding shotgun, and Wally, start to yell, as we swerved into the dich, hitting a sign, tilting dangerously, to the sound of breaking glass, and an 18 wheeler, with his brakes locked up, missing us by inches. Seems some old drunk, leaving Cheyenne Frontier Days, made a U-turn in the middle of the interstate, and was coming right at us. After we cleaned out our underwear, we decided to call 911 and report him. We kept him in sight, on the phone w/the cops, as he headed into town, watching him driving over sidewalks, and thru lawns, finally stopping in the middle of an intersection, surrounded by police cars. Yea for Wally! His driving skills saved us, and his persistence got the old fart to pay for the damages. Jay never loaned us his RV again. Go figure.


Anonymous said…
you're just a disaster is the making, aren't you?

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