Mission Accomplished!

Five years ago W flew onto an aircraft carrier and proclaimed, "Mission Accomplished". One of the few times he has told the truth. He had started a war in the oil patch of the world, and oil prices were headed up. We just didn't know, at the time, how effective his mission had been, pumping up the price of oil for his buddies. Now, with the price of oil up over 350%, (coincidence, right?), Exxon reported the 2nd largest quarterly profits, ($10.9 billion , NOT counting gov't subsidies) of any company, all time, (they also hold 1st place bragging rights). Wow, who woulda guessed that good ol' boy from Texas, allied with the Saudis since he started in 'the business', could have been such a good investment, for his campaign contributors? ME! That's who.... I just didn't know he was gonna be able to starve such large numbers of the world population, with his 'corn to ethanol' program, that uses more energy than it produces. George W Bush, the gift that just keeps on giving...


Anonymous said…
Don't forget that the US is paying 153 million dollars a month in Iraq for gas for all the vehicles that are being used there by our troops and no doubt allies. Also, the 300.00 dollars a month the US pays the 90,000 Sunnis- EACH person- not to fight the American troops. Where is all the money coming from? China, of course.
Fam Guy said…
You have any links for those statements?
Anonymous said…
It was from an article I read in the Toledo Blade that I believe came from the New York Post, Steve.

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