On the news tonight,

Barack Obama spoke with Wolf Blitzer and Brian Williams (separately). Wow! I was impressed, AGAIN, with this guy. What a concept! An intelligent president! What will all the comedians do without Bush, the idiot, to poke fun at? A prez who has a brain and can use it, not just read cue cards, regurgitate rehearsed rhetoric, and speak slowly as he is prompted with his earpiece. Too good to be true, but I hope not...


Anonymous said…
This is a man..a Black man, that actually speaks the english language, no Ebonics! No Jessie Jackson rhymes, or Al Sharpton ghetto slang or pulpit rage like Reverend Wright. An educated Black man speaking, educated english. God bless America!
Anonymous said…
I'm really looking forward to the day that the president of the Unites States -- arguably the single powerful individual on the planet - can complete a grammatically correct sentence using proper grammar, proper punctuation and without made-up words.

Actually, at this point, I'd settle for just complete sentences OR proper grammar OR punctuation OR real words.

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