The rest, of the rest of the story

After we lost all our booze at the border, (they took it ALL, as punishment), we arrived in Flin Flon on Sunday, when the liquor stores were closed. We gave a list, with our requests, to Rick, the outfitter, who said he'd try to drop off the order when he flew another group into a different lake, the next day. Sure enough, Dog and I were trolling, near the cabin, when we saw Rick's plane land near our dock and quickly take off. Sure enough, there was a box with everything we asked for. We decided to play a trick on the other guys, and hid the box in the boat shed, and left a note, with a partial bottle, that said. "Sorry, couldn't make it to the liquor store, but here's my bottle I carry for emergencies." Will never forget the look on Matt's face as he held the partial bottle and thought of the next several evenings of card games, with only water to quench his thirst. P.S.-- Found out a couple years ago, he still carries that note from 'the pilot' (me) in his billfold. Maybe that's why he keeps trying to kill/injure me....


Anonymous said…
you dawg.........

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