Some Conservative jerk,

was saying on TV today, "Don't blame Bush for oil prices, it's China, etc." Bull Shit! Before Bush, it was Conoco vs. Phillips and Exxon vs. Mobil, etc. The big oil companies weren't allowed to merge because of monopolies/price fixing/anti-trust, etc. Now it's Conoco-Phillips, Exxon-Mobil, etc. There was no war in Iraq. We got along with Venezuela, Canada, Mexico, etc. Then came W. The Big Oil companies merged. He attacked Iraq. (OOPS, bad information) Pissed off most of the oil producers in the world. Cheney had his 'closed door' energy policy meeting with the heads of Big Oil. The price of oil went from under $30 to $126/barrel and is still climbing. The Texas oil cartel, with their boy in the White House did what the free market never could have done. Look at the facts. Don't give me crap about the price of oil 'just happened'. Sure, China, etc, helped push the price of oil up, but NOTHING like Bush's policies. It was orchestrated and it worked. The House of Bush/ House of Saud family relationship goes back several generations. George Bush, bought and paid for by Big Oil. Best investment EVER!!!


Anonymous said…
My Gawd! I read the interviews! Unbelievable how we as citizens have allowed this to continue unabated for so long and done absolutely nothing. We should be storming the White House gates for God's sake! Why has nothing been done by the FBI or Congress? This family is sleeping with the enemy and has for years. Every American needs to hear this. Where is the voice of the people?I am outraged. This book needs to be sent to every household in America. They impeach Clinton for a blowjob? What the Bushites are doing is TREASON.

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