That last story,

reminded me of another one. When I was in high school, my buddy Tom Heller and I were tent camping on the shore of Johnson Lake, in central Nebraska, when a tornado set down on the lake. Twas a beautiful waterspout, that was very interesting, until we saw it was moving right toward us. We wrapped our arms and legs around some good sized trees as it hit the shore, with amazing sound and fury, about 200 yards from us. After it had passed, which seemed like a LONG time, and we were able to SEE again, we saw trees, much larger than we were hanging on to, totally uprooted, along with several lakeside cabins. As close as I ever want to be to a tornado...


Anonymous said…
You're unbelievable, you know that, don't you? Not meaning I don't believe your stories...I just cannot fathom how you've survived this long!! There's a big plan for you, my dear friend.
Jaime said…
I can't believe I never heard that story. A few of them I know, but it's strange being your sister that you have so many near-death stories that I've never heard about.
Anonymous said…
It was me who stood there with our arms wrapped around the tree-not Heller....We were on the East side of the Lake & the tornado tore up the trailor court just to the north, a little less than a mile away.

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