Wow!, Who woulda believed...

The Bush's and the Saudi's, (with the help of Cheney and Rumsfeld), using a WAR on Iraq, (who had NO WMD's and NOTHING to do with 9-11) to pump up the price of oil??? WOW, who woulda guessed??? How many BILLION $$ you think they made???? Oh, excuse me... George F. Bush, Mr. Christian, who HATES the Muslims, just wanted them to have.... FREEDOM! That's why he attacked, right? And if you believe that, you are so... naive, ignorant, stupid, uninformed???? Choose one or ALL. What a bunch of idiots... If you can't/won't admit something SO obvious, PLEASE don't waste my time with your BS....


Anonymous said…
You know, Stevo, we're the bloomin' idiots...every American. We've allowed our govt. to continue this farce. We've allowed our govt. to continue taking away our freedoms and destroy our Consitutional rights with total immunity. When Georgie Boy stood on that Carrier in front of that banner which read "Mission Accomplished", it was not for the American people, it was for himself and his band of merry men. I do believe Rev. Wright had a point when he stated, "God damn America!" Australia is looking better and better.

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