A modern day record

set by our man W. The worst approval rating EVER! Wow. Who coulda seen this comin'? As I have said, over and over, this clown did more damage to my country than ANYONE in the history of the United States. Without a doubt, the worst thing to ever happen to our country. But, the good news, he's history... Not that I'm a huge Obama fan, or dislike McCain that much. Am just SO happy to realize that cowboy conman is on his way into the sunset. Whew.. We ALMOST didn't survive him, but his legacy is gonna hurt us, and our children, for decades...


Anonymous said…
you delete my responses? Why so? Am I too liberal? I call McCain scary....he is. Palin sees the moon from her house...that makes her an astronout. McCain is a angry man...Nam is over. One doesn't need a crystal ball to see the truth.

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