A Good Thing,

is happening, as Hillary Clinton is making her first visit to the Far East. After seeing W, and his policies, this is an amazing affirmation of the American system. Not only is George Bush gone, BUT, Obama's main opponent, is now on HIS side. This is HUGE, on the worldwide stage. It shows how democracy works. Unlike Bush's 'shock and awe', torture and graft system, it sends a positive message. Let's hope it's not too late, to show the world what America is all about. We're not just a bunch of Republican war mongers....


Anonymous said…
The Conservative Religious zealots will never believe how alike the Bush administration and Nazi Germany. Holding &/or locking up anyone with ties to so-called terrorist activities smacks of rounding up the Jews. Bush had Homeland Security which gave him carte blanche to break any Constitutional law he wished. Hitler had the Gestapo. I actually believe Bush was trying to bankrupt this country, so that his "group" could take total control. The problem was America voted in the Democrats to Congress. That Yale Skull and Bones is just too uncanny and is tied to so many Republicans.

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