A nap in the rain

I had to snap a pic of this Frenchman, and his two dogs, asleep in the rain. Click to enlarge, and notice the little dogs with their eyes closed. Was right outside Notre Dame cathedral, which is a amazing place. I knew it was big and impressive, BUT....


ladyj said…
Ah, how sweet...evidently this fellow is asking for a small donation for a meal.
Fam Guy said…
I was a sucker for the dogs and gave him a small donation. As it clinked in the cup, he smiled and said, Merci, but his dogs didn't open their eyes.
ladyj said…
As I was looking at this photo, Brian's morning nurse, Pam came. Her father was French and she translated the sign in her broken French. Something about "one small coin or euro for a meal." I'm a sucker for dogs myself and would have probably given him much more than my husband would want me to. I tip too much, as well. Loved the Starbucks cups. Pam's nephew spent a year in Paris.
Cyndi Lineen said…
This is such a good photo!

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