Don't know if anyone else

was watching the financial markets today, but it all came unglued for awhile, today. The Dow dropped nearly a thousand points in a few minutes. It has come back from the lows, BUT, I am hearing it was caused by a big trader, not saying who yet, entered a B (for billion), instead of an M, on a large sale, and the computers took over. Scary! Whatever, the market is running scared right now and there's a lot of volatility out there. Will be interesting....


Steve said…
Interesting choice of charts: the DJIA from 21-32.

How about this one? 2005-2010

Provides a more modern, up-to-date perspective. But 900 points in less than an hour was a dizzy ride, huh?
Bigvic said…
This shows that all those people that say that the stock market is the predictor of the economy are full of it. If these traders were so smart, they wouldn't have started selling, they would have known the fundamentals of market, but instead this just further reiterates the point that wall street, and stock markets for that matter, are based on a group think mentality and that markets are not actually rational.
Fam Guy said…
The chart choice was merely a chart showing a big drop.
ladyj said…
Kind of a picky little prick, isn't he, eh FG?
stevie said…
A single letter hasn't caused that much damage since the letter 'W'.

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