The Repubs are going crazy,

cuz we caught the NYC bomber, and he's singing, w/out even torturing him. Rush pointed out, Faisal is a registered Democrat, and Glenn Beck made fun of the fact he was 'Mirandized', which IS the law. The security agencies now work together, instaed of just having a cowboy mentality, starting wars and claiming 'Mission Accomplished'. The right wingers can hope and call for Obama's 'failure', but, in the meantime, his policies are working. What a change....


Shanel said…
you know there are probably still a lot of them still in the U.S... and I hope we catch them all... it's it sad that even when we are being attacked... the Dem and Repubs are still being selfish and only caring about their political agenda and not supporting each other... it's truely sad. Hell, we could catch Osama Bin Laden and the Repubs still wouldn't support this administration.... it really pissed me off.
Fam Guy said…
U R so right, girl. It's no longer about the country, it's about political parties. It SUCKS, big time.
ladyj said…
Well just because the dude made last minute flight arrangements and paid cash for a one way trip to Pakistan, it kind of put up a (duh) red flag!!! I mean his house was in foreclosure; he gave his neighbors some personal belongings before he, his wife and child left the country, and then the idiot returns and buys and SUV in Conn. and parks it in Times Square, where the damn thing starts smoking....I mean HOW STUPID.....Cameras are watching this fool. How easy can it be????
Steve said…
You say: in the meantime, his policies are working.

This is not an attempt to debate Bush vs. Obama's policies (which are much closer than you think).

But this was just luck, not goverment policy. If the guy hadn't built such a bad bomb, the story would be entirely different now.
Fam Guy said…
Yup, it is luck that this bomb, or Richard Reed's shoe, or the underwear didn't go off, BUT, lots of other plots have been foiled, we aren't starting any new wars, And I see a definite change in policy from beligerence and swagger, toward the rest of the world, to communication and cooperation. That is good.

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