Not so surprising,

that Gen McChrystal wants to win the war that he is in charge of. Also, not surprising that Obama wants to heed the majority of the US populace, (NOT the FOX crowd), that realizes you can't win a war in Afghanistan, (just read your history, you idiots), SO, not a surprise that they are butting heads. FOXNews is trying to make this a litmus test for patriotism. SURPRISE! Bottom line, the General works for the prez, who works for us, and should shut up and do as he's told, and stop spouting off in a magazine, no matter how much the FOX crew loves it. And NO, I am not an Obama puppet. I think his 6 month drilling ban, in the gulf, is really stupid.


ladyj said…
I disagree with you on the drilling ban. Until fail safes are set in place to control blow outs like we just had with the one we're fighting right now, all future drilling in the gulf should be halted. Our environment has taken a beating from this as any one with eyes can plainly see. Why else would sharks be hovering so close to the shoreline? Oxygen is plentiful there! By the way, this isn't the first time McChrystal or is inner circle has voiced an opinion about the Commander-in-Chief or the VP in negative terms. He is now out on his butt. Had we, during the Bush years, put the troops in Afghanistan, instead of Iraq, this war would be over! And we'd have Pakistan too. (6-22- 2:00est)

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