Interesting article today, on AOL

Seven years after Bush/Cheney's 'shock and awe' war, based on 'oops, bad info', the victims still struggle for the basic necessities of life. Baghdad has less than 5 hours of electricity per day, and you're one of the lucky ones if you get that. The water and sewer systems are a shell of their former selves and large parts of the city are bombed out ruins. It's hard to concentrate on politics when you there's no dependable electricity, decent food or water.

"Democracy didn’t bring us anything. Democracy brought us a can of Coke and a beer."HAITHAM FARHAN, a shop owner in Baghdad who has to steal electricity to keep his business running.

This, after all the death and dollars wasted for W's war. The no-bid contracts handed out to Halliburton and their buddies turned out to be largely, no-work contracts as they took the money, but had no consequences for lack of performance. Yup, they sure love us over there. I would imagine if I lived there, and had seen the death, pain and suffering caused, I would be just like them. Plotting revenge....


ladyj said…
And today, look at what has happened to the money our government was in charge of for the rebuilding of Iraq. What was it 5.8 trillion dollars? Gone...missing....plundered. Oil monies. Nobody kept an account of the money. Why? It amazes me. Talk about friggin' shock and awe!! This one takes the cake.
Famguy said…
Billions, trillions, gazillions? Hard to keep track of the $ wasted by govt.

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