Big fire west of Boulder,

that has a bunch of smoke blowing into us. Lotta houses already burned and looks like it's getting worse. Called the 4-Mile Fire, cuz it started in 4-Mile Canyon. Right off Sugarloaf Rd, where I built a house for Russ Sager, after his house burned. Beautiful area that is a really tough place to fight a fire. After a wet spring, lotta grass/fuel to burn this time of year, and a nasty wind. This could be a bad one...


Fam Guy said…
The live news showed the slurry bombers taking off, and about 5 minutes later they flew, low, over our house.
Fam Guy said…
SO far, 4 firefighters have lost their own homes while fighting to save others. Sad.Smokey haze in the sky today, and the sound of slurry bombers.
ladyj said…
any change in Bailey's behavior?

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