Just a thought here,

that I've had before, that I don't know what to do with. How is it, that some of us, can look at the same info, and come up with such different conclusions? Con vs lib. What's going on here? It's not strictly a matter of IQ, (though the top 10 income/education states are all blue, bottom 10 all red), or income, or environment or any other easily recognizable stimulus. What makes us think like we do? It is, over the years, approx a 50/50 split. Why? I would say, off the top of my head, that it is a matter of naivety. Those on the right, are basically good people, that don't realize there is an element out there (Bush/Cheney types), that will prey upon that weakness. Which means the other side, has that dark part within them, that makes them more aware of the evil out there. That is my first theorem. Got a better idea? That's where my head is now. Let me know what you think, if you dare. We ARE different, at a basic level that is not easily recognizable, but I have an idea....


Anonymous said…
Yeah. U R way different. If you ever use your brain, you will leave that whole left, commie thing behind, but I doubt it.
ladyj said…
Dear Anon, it's apparent U R a deep and emotional thinker. (NOT) Your use of the English language is somewhat lacking, possibly at 7th grade level, however, of U ever communicating on an adult level is doubtful with or without a texting device.
Anonymous said…
This is pretty fascinating and might offer some sort of explanation (if at least in an X-Files type of way)
ladyj said…
What does that site have anything to do with this? An explanation about what? The subject was politics.
Anonymous said…
"How is it, that some of us, can look at the same info, and come up with such different conclusions?"

Plus I thought it was interesting
ladyj said…
I must be looking at another file because what I read was about mosquitofish; ancient parasites; brain control; gene expression &diet; grad school; shark repellent; obesity........FG is asking about Liberal vs Conservative thinking. Yes, I would say you're in another zone.

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